“Yellow jaundice”, a redundant phrase that literally means “yellow yellow,” is a sign of a very sick liver. I recall a patient of mine, a quiet woman with chronic hepatitis C infection who visited me looking like a lemon. As I examined her...

“Yellow jaundice”, a redundant phrase that literally means “yellow yellow,” is a sign of a very sick liver. I recall a patient of mine, a quiet woman with chronic hepatitis C infection who visited me looking like a lemon. As I examined her...
Futuristic movies with medical scenes have one thing in common: cool technology that can diagnose and cure all of humanity’s disease woes. Is movie magic a sneak peek of medicine to come? No. If disease understanding continues to depend on...
In 2015, I was struggling to escape my education to find new ways of thinking about the chronic disease problem. At the time, my colleague Steve Best and I were meeting regularly to free-associate and follow our trains of thought as they wandered...