About Us
Many mistakenly attribute humanity’s chronic disease woes to fractured and expensive healthcare delivery systems. Although they are problems, they are downstream of the problem. The problem is we cannot answer “Why do people get sick?” particularly for chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, chronic lung disease, and chronic neurological problems, just to name a few.
The problem exists because we continue to act upon the problem of disease despite not effectively thinking about the problem for over a century. Medicine is lost in a sea of data without the maps provided by a theoretical element. Money heaped on 19th and 20th century thinking will not solve this crisis.

Zazari Project unites people and ideas so we can break into a new science that explains life and cure the people of the world with the right medicine. The answers we need do not exist around us, but rather will arise from within us.
To cure the people of the world with the right Medicine.
Our mission is to unify healers, researchers and inquisitive minds through creative, educational, and collaborative platforms to cure the world’s chronic disease crisis and usher in a new paradigm. Our tool kit provides resources to support and educate an engaged community as it uncovers medical complexities, develops a theoretical framework of disease, ignites new understanding of life, and breaks today’s chronic disease paradigm. We believe that from this will emanate proofs and predictive models of disease and ultimately foster sustainable and effective health and disease delivery systems worldwide.

A Vision Driven by Passion
Charlotte Appleton, M.D., M.B.A., internal medicine physician and founder of Zazari Project, became a doctor to heal people. Over time, as she worked with thousands of chronic disease patients, she became increasingly frustrated by the lack of healing tools at her disposal. After years of contemplation, it was when she became a parent at age 41 that she laid down concerns about professional credibility, committed to bringing her insights to life, and began building a community of creatives to change the world into a healthier place for her son and those who share it with him.

Overcoming Inaccurate Assumptions
A key challenge in a paradigm shift is addressing what we don't know we don't know. Beliefs about health and disease are personal and held closely. Unfortunately, failure reliably to reverse or cure chronic disease indicates that the real problem is ignorance about chronic diseases and why people get them. It's time to scrutinize what we think we know and find the bits of reality in a vast sea of opinion.

Cultivating Insights in the Space Between
Zazari Project not only values perspectives and insights from other disciplines, we crave them! It's in the collaborative space between the silos of experts where the real magic of discovery lies. To facilitate this effort, medical conundrums are made accessible to a broader audience by minimizing medical jargon.
5-Step Development Plan
This 5-Step Development Plan illustrates Zazari Project intent and projected future. Each stage offers new capabilities, resources and opportunities for engagement. Ultimately, the vision is to develop theoretical and experimental arms to produce proofs, predictive models, cures and more.

Stage 1:
- Launch website
- Launch blog
- Launch Permutations online magazine
- Launch video library
- Offer speaking and workshop programs
Stage 2:
Theoretical Arm
- Develop Forum
- Develop Creative Medicine course
- Initiate monthly newsletters
- Advisory board selection
- Publish opportunities for members to post videos or publish articles
- Publish book
Stage 3:
Service Expansion
- Launch Forum
- Launch Creative Medicine course
- Launch Seminars and Speaking Engagements
- Publish events calendar
- Seek volunteer forum facilitators
- Develop community engagement program
Stage 4:
Experimental Arm Preparation
- Develop experimental function
- Seek funding
- Set up foundation
Stage 5:
Experimental Arm Launch
- Launch experimental function
- The world is our oyster
Forum & Community Coming Soon!
An interactive forum and community will facilitate and organize dialogue and idea evolution. The online community will include opportunities to make profiles, engage in a forum, participate in interest groups, follow conversation threads, access blog posts, and share files in an idea-shaping effort. Connecting people and ideas in an interactive environment is the vital vehicle of discovery in the Zazari Project model. Stay tuned for updates on forum development on the Forum Page.